Crostacei Archivo
Crostacei I File
GIACOBBE D. & RESTIVO S. 2010 - Aggiornamento della distribuzione di Potamon fluviatile in Sicilia orientale: nuovi dati e riconferme
Poster XIII° Congresso Nazionale dell’associazione Italiana Ittiologi acque dolci. Sanselpocro (AR), 12-13- novembre 2010
MARRONE F. & NASELLI-FLORES L. 2004 - First record and morphological features of Hemidiaptomus (Occidodiaptomus) ingens (Gurney, 1909) (Copepoda Calanoida) in Italy
J. Limnol., 63: 250-255
MARRONE F. 2006 - The microcrustacean fauna of Sicily and the Central Mediterranean Sea area - Current knowledege and gap sto be filled
Current knowledege and gap sto be filled. – Pol. J. Ecol., 54: 681-685
MARRONE F. ALFONSO G. & NASELLI-FLORES L. 2007 - On Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) similis Claus, 1877 and other interesting anomopods (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) from Apulia (Southern Italy)
Thalassia Salentina, 30: 46-55.
MARRONE F. ALFONSO G. & NASELLI-FLORES L. 2007 - On Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) similis Claus, 1877 and other interesting anomopods (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) from Apulia (Southern Italy)
Thalassia Salentina, 30: 46-55
PIERI V. MARTENS K. NASELLI-FLORES L. MARRONE F. & ROSSETTI 2006 - Distribution of recent ostracods in in land waters of Sicily (Southern Italy)
J. Limnol., 65: 1-8